About the



Valencia – 26-28th June

Welcome message

The pressure of the day-to-day activities often prevents us from having the time to reflect on the relevant changes and serious problems that surround us, from economic uncertainty or environmental issues to geopolitical upheavals and technological transformations. At the IAME Conference in 2024 we want to grant ourselves that time for joint reflection on transcendent issues in our field of activity, and we propose to do so under the following thread: “Building innovative maritime ecosystems: Smart, Green & Valuable for society”.

Although multiple topics will be addressed during the Conference, we want to put the emphasis on the ongoing transformation of the entire ecosystem of our Community (ports, maritime transport, logistics), from these three critical dimensions. First, a technological revolution that, beyond digitalization and smart grids, incorporates at an accelerated pace Generative Artificial Intelligence. Second, the unavoidable need to continue moving towards a green Community, despite the cyclical impacts of exogenous shocks, which sometimes force to slow down the process of change. Third, the awareness that our Community only makes sense when it works intertwined, supporting and being supported by society as a whole, and only through this close relationship does it achieve its true value.

To analyze these challenges, we will meet in Valencia from June 25 to 28, 2024, and we hope to have an active and enriching debate (see the final programm on this web page) in which we will put on the table our concerns in these fields, discuss the measures to be adopted and, if possible, promote their implementation by the responsible agents. It would be a great satisfaction for us to count on your presence in Valencia during these days.

Finally, we would like to emphasize that, in our permanent desire to keep Industry and Academia connected, this IAME 2024 is co-organized co-organized by the University of Valencia and its Institute of International Economics, through the Chair of Port Economics, the Port Authority of Valencia and Fundación Valenciaport.

We look forward to seeing you next June in Valencia.
Organising Committee, IAME 2024

Organising entities

Fundación Valenciaport is an Applied Research, Innovation & Training centre providing services to the port and logistics cluster.

This initiative of the Port Authority of Valencia has enjoyed the collaboration of notable businesses, universities and institutions  from  the  port  community.  Since  its  establishment, it has developed projects in more than 60 countries, primarily Mediterranean nations, as well as from the rest of Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Among its many activities, the following stand out:

  • Fostering innovation, by promoting the design, implementation and execution of R&D&I projects in the port logistics sector.
  • Knowledge management initiatives, offering specialized, high-value-added training for the continuous improvement of the human capital of the port logistics community.
  • Policy    of    active    cooperation    with    other    port    communities around the world, by means of technical assistance initiatives and support for  Spanish logistics operators   in   their   internationalization   processes.
  • Market intelligence service for developing indexes, databases and reports of strategic interest for the sector.
  • Structuring the port logistics community, fostering cooperation within the sector, while reaching out to and engaging in dialogue with the general public, all within the framework of a collective social responsibility strategy.


The University of Valencia is the oldest university in the Valencian Community and is regarded as one of Spain’s leading academic institutions.

The University of Valencia, founded in 1499, is a higher education institution with corroborated teaching and researching experience with more than 90 departments assigned to 18 centres, 19 research institutes and more than 5,000 people, both teaching and administrative and services staff. Currently, it has an approximate amount of 55,000 students (45,000 undergraduate and 10,000 postgraduate).

It is a public and modern university which, with its great teaching, researching and technological potential, offers services of quality and is committed to the innovation and special link with industries and institutions by means of the combining execution of advanced research projects and internships in order to favour the job-placement of its graduates.

The University of Valencia offers a complete range of studies in nearly all the scientific fields: arts and humanities, engineerings, health sciences, sciences and social sciences. It includes 67 undergraduate studies, 76 postgraduate programmes, 80 official master’s degrees and 100 doctorates.The teaching teams of the Postgraduate Official Programmes consist of outstanding researchers of the University of Valencia.


Valenciaport is the leading Spanish port in the Mediterranean in terms of commercial traffic. And it is the fourth container port in Europe.

The Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), operating under the trade name of Valenciaport, is the public company responsible for the management and administration of three state-run ports situated on an 80-km stretch of the Spanish Mediterranean coastline: Valencia, Sagunto and Gandía.

Valenciaport is the leading port in terms of commercial flows in Mediterranean and particularly with regards to container traffic. This is chiefly due to a dynamic sphere of influence and an extensive network of regular connections to the world’s major ports. As a result, Valenciaport is not only a key element in the image of the Valencian region transmitted abroad but also the maritime manufacturing and consumer gateway of the entire Iberian Peninsula, as well as being the natural port for Madrid and central Spain.


Organising committee

Coordination Amparo Mestre
Antonio Torregrosa
Sandra Roselló
María Soler
Coordination Vicente J. Pallardó
María Feo
Christina Myriouni
Bárbara Vázquez
Coordination Juan Manuel Diez
María Jesús Calvo
Cristina Rodríguez

Scientific committee

Chair Dr. Aurelio Martínez
Coordination Dr. Vicente J. Pallardo
Dr. Maria Feo
Dr. Julián Martínez
Dr. Jonas Mendes
Dr. Michele Acciaro
Dr. Agustina Calatayud
Dr. Pedro Cantos
Dr. Pierre Cariou
Dr. Mihalis Chasomeris
Dr. Kevin Cullinane
Dr. Michael Dooms
Dr. Claudio Ferrari
Dr. Gabriel Fuentes
Dr. Cassia Galvao
Dr. Lorena Garcia-Alonso
Dr. David Guerrero
Dr. Elvira Haezendock
Dr. Hercules Haralambides
Dr. Jan Hoffmann
Dr. Adolf K. Y. Ng
Dr. Manolis Kavussanos
Dr. Geraldine Knatz
Dr. Jasmine Siu Lee Lam
Dr. Venus Lun
Dr. Rudy Negenborn
Dr. Theo Notteboom
Dr. Thanos Pallis
Dr. Harilaos Psaraftis
Dr. Meng Qiang
Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue
Dr. Ricardo J. Sanchez
Dr. Masato Shinohara
Dr. Francisco Requena
Dr. Dong-Wook Song
Dr. Ted Syriopoulos
Dr. Paul Tae-Woo Lee
Dr. Beatriz Tovar
Dr. Thierry Vanelslander
Dr. Albert Veenstra
Dr. Amaya Vega
Dr. Gordon Wilmsmeier
Dr. Dong Yang
Dr. Wei Yim Yap

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